NUCs & Hives for 2025

We are excited this year to offer 5 Deep Frame Nucs featuring a hybrid Carniolan / Italian 2025 mite resistant VSH queen for Michigan Beekeepers.  

A limited number of single 10 frame deeps will be available for pick up mid-May through June.

Why Choose Us?

Bee Haven, the name of our apiary, was chosen not just because it is catchy phrase, but because that is what we are trying to create: a haven for bees. It includes an environment following the principles of permaculture: canopy, understory, flowering trees, bushes, and ground cover. It includes the most harmonious housing for bees: tall and thin as opposed to flat hives. And it includes the very best bees we can breed: mild mannered, winter hardy, parasite resistant, and productive. All these attributes are interdependent. The best environment with the worst tempered bees is no fun, the best bees in a poor environment will be unproductive, dead bees in the spring are a heart breaking set back. Too often we seek improvement by focusing only on one part of the equation when we need to look at the whole situation and make educated decisions.

Springtime means new colonies. We are offering Nucs from our own bees. Lessons and consultation will be scheduled throughout the summer and fall including hands-on workshops covering everything from perennial plantings to primitive hives. Lets build our own Northern Michigan ‘Bee Haven’ together.

Please join and support your local bee club!

About Us

Marty Dillon,


A bright and cheery good day to you all,

My name is Marty Dillon I was born and raised in Antrim and Grand Traverse counties, my roots here are deep. Over the course of my life I have raised just about every kind of domestic animal and have had bees off and on since about 1986. I have made my share of mistakes. My theory is this: If you want to know what NOT to do, find someone who has been around the block a time or two. Go find that old guy down the road or consult your grandfathers’ grandfather, he will know what to do. Above all else keep a positive and thankful outlook, life is good!



5400 Powell Road Kewadin, MI 49648